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Our first podcast!

Hannah Clark

Last month, Farmers' Voice Radio was invited by UK Aid Direct to be interviewed for our first ever podcast!

Our interview was published as part of UK Aid Direct's new podcast series, The Learning Post, which highlights key insights from UK Aid Direct and UK Aid Match funded projects. Click here to listen to the full episode.

"It’s not just about changing practices and improving the quality and volume of produce. It's actually giving more marginalised members of the community an opportunity to have their voices heard."

We were delighted to share our experience of using participatory radio to engage with rural farming communities and bring about transformational change. We hope that listeners from likeminded organisations will be inspired to think about how the Farmers' Voice Radio approach could be integrated in their work with smallholder farmers. Please do get in touch if you would like to use our resources or discuss some ideas.

UK Aid Direct has provided two grants for Farmers' Voice Radio projects through its Small Charities Challenge Fund, in Northern Ghana working with women shea butter producers, and around the Gola Rainforest in Sierra Leone working with cocoa farmers.

The Ghana project closed in March this year, and recently received a grade A+ from the donor in recognition of outcomes having exceeded expectations. UK Aid feedback stated: “Beyond demonstrating having reached a high number of listeners, the grant holder can be commended for the engagement of listeners both to design and interact with radio programs, demonstrating strong accountability towards beneficiaries and a high level of buy-in. Moreover, both qualitative and quantitative evidence was provided on the effective impact of radio shows to change farming practices and on the already measurable changes for beneficiaries having adopted these, with increased production volumes and quality for instance.”



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