We have successfully designed and delivered Farmers' Voice Radio projects to meet a wide range of objectives, including enhancing the sustainability of tea, coffee and cocoa value chains and building resilience to climate change in flood and drought-prone communities. We offer a range of services to help you use Farmers' Voice Radio to reach the smallholder farmers you work with.
Our team of experienced Farmers' Voice Radio managers and associates will help you to design a tailored and cost-effective project that responds to the needs of your target community and delivers impact at scale. If required, we can also assist with implementation, delivering face-to-face training and remote support to local partners and managing monitoring and reporting systems. We have worked with the following types of partners and projects:
Farmer organisations and cooperatives – improving communication with and support to members that complements existing extension services and enhances members’ access to vital information
Corporates – investing in the sustainability and well being of communities you care about
Supply chains – strengthening supply chains by improving the flow of information and mutual understanding between suppliers, intermediaries, end users and consumers
NGOs – extending outreach to remote communities, improving engagement and enhancing beneficiary feedback as part of a broader programme of development activities
Research institutions – gathering indigenous knowledge and co-developing new ways of working with highly vulnerable and disadvantaged communities
See our project page for further examples or contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
If you are interested in adopting Farmers' Voice Radio as a programme outreach tool, we can train your staff and partners on how to use it effectively. We have trained Farmers' Voice Radio practitioners in the UK and across Africa, including NGO staff, agricultural extension officers and community radio presenters. Get in touch to discuss how we can design and deliver a capacity building programme to meet your needs.
In March 2022 we launched our pilot Farmers' Voice Radio Academy, a group capacity building programme that combines online training sessions, mentoring and peer support. Visit our Academy webpage for more information and application details.
We don't want to keep the Farmers' Voice Radio methodology to ourselves – we are proud of its impact and want as many farmers to benefit from it as possible. So, we have created a resource bank of ‘how to’ guides, tools and training materials to support you in designing and delivering your own Farmers' Voice Radio project. So, what are you waiting for? Visit our Resources page now and get started!
Current partners
