Whether your business deals directly in buying, processing or serving some of our best-loved imports, or whether your staff and customers just enjoy a nice brew, the possibility of a world without these products is alarming. Join our mission to build a more certain future for all; securing your supply chains, contributing to your sustainability agenda and safeguarding the livelihoods and lives of those we depend upon for our food and drink.
If you’d like to support the development of a global farming community that puts smallholder producers at its centre, please consider whether your business will sponsor our Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy and help to put the power of participatory radio into the hands of millions of farmers.
£600 annual donation (or £50 per month)
covers the costs of a single Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy training session for ten farmer organisations
£1,500 annual donation (or £125 per month)
funds a place for one farmer organisation on a complete Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy programme
£3,000 annual donation (or £250 per month)
provides a Farmers’ Voice Radio start-up grant for one farmer organisation
Although we know you don’t give to receive, we believe in mutually beneficial relationships,
so we offer a range of benefits to sponsors, including:
An opportunity for farmer groups in your supply chain to apply for a place on a
Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy training course
Acknowledgement on the Farmers’ Voice Radio website, annual reports and social media
A digital badge for your website and content about the Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy
for your business communications
Biannual updates on progress of Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy graduates
Farmers’ Voice Radio materials for your business (e.g. posters, flyers, postcards etc.)
Contact us to discuss sponsorship options and click below to be taken to the Farmers’ Voice Radio Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) page to sponsor our important work
Northern Coffee Roasters Unite to support Farmers' Voice Radio!
Borne out of our invitation from Cup North to participate in the 2021 Manchester Coffee Festival and an introduction to North Star Coffee Roasters, representatives of the speciality coffee industry in the North of England have come together to support and promote the Farmers’ Voice Radio Academy as a way of building a more certain future for everyone in the coffee sector. Through regular donations from a number of cafes, roasters and importers, we are able to offer a dedicated Academy programme for coffee organisations in a range of origin countries, enabling them to reach millions of smallholder coffee farmers with the knowledge and information vital for sustainable coffee production.
Holly Kragiopoulos of North Star Coffee Roasters explains why they have chosen to support Farmers' Voice Radio: "As a small independently run business operating within a global supply chain, impact can often be a tricky concept for us to talk about. We are always looking for ways in which we can contribute to safeguarding our industry's future, but occasionally the problems can seem overwhelming! Farmers' Voice Radio seems to be offering a genuine solution to many of the coffee sector's most pressing issues, to bring about more resilient ways of working in the face of climate change and to encourage more youth in coffee. Not only is this an incredibly valuable initiative, it is far-reaching in its impact and it is in the hands of those it seeks to serve - an approach in keeping with our ethos here at North Star."
Above photo: Hannah Clark (Farmers’ Voice Radio), Cristina Talens (Source Climate Change Coffee), Holly Kragiopoulos (North Star Coffee Roasters) and Hannah Davies (Cup North) discuss the need for empowering approaches to working with smallholder farmers at the inaugural Northern Coffee Roasters and Farmers’ Voice Radio event hosted by Dark Woods Coffee in March 2022. You can read more about this event in our blog.